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Recipe: Martha Stewart’s Apple-Honey Challah Bread

This past weekend, while debating what to take to my grandparent’s house for Rosh Hashanah dinner I thought, I’ll bring the challah! Of course, having never made bread before in my life, I decide to make it from scratch (#makesperfectsense). I figured there was a good chance it might be a disaster, so I was prepared to have to stop by at the store on the way to dinner and pick up a dessert. But I truly enjoy my culinary-mad-scientist experiments so I dove right in! And, *pats self on the back*, I must say that the end result was not only beautiful but tasted AMAZING!!! The honey glaze makes for a delicious sticky crust but the inside is light and fluffy.

Ahu Eats: Apple Honey Challah

Apple Honey Challah: A sticky bun and Challah had a baby!

Ahu Eats: Apple Honey Challah

Apple Honey Challah

I followed this Martha Stewart recipe: Apple-Honey Challah and it really wasn’t too bad (the dough has to rise 3 times, which is very time consuming but it’s passive time, you punch the dough for 5 minutes then let it sit for an hour). Also, next time I would leave out the apples – they made the dough somewhat difficult to work with and didn’t add much flavor.

Rosh Hashanah fun fact: Did you know that challah is traditionally braided in 3, 4 or 6-strands but for Rosh Hashanah the challah is done in a spiral (also called ‘Turban Challah’) to symbolize the end of one year and the beginning of the next? If you’re on the edge of your seat and want to learn even more about challah bread and the different shapes it comes in, check out this very informative page.

Ahu Eats: Apple Honey Challah

Apple Honey Challah

So, if you have a leisurely Sunday and are feeling adventurous, I highly suggest giving this recipe a go! Your nose, mouth and stomach will thank you. Happy Rosh Hashanah to those who celebrate.

{ 5 comments… add one }
  • Anonymous September 17, 2012, 10:47 pm

    I would like a turban please. I mean, turban challah. Looks mighty fine!


  • Anonymous September 18, 2012, 8:21 am

    Trust me, as scrumptious as this challah bread looked, it tasted even better. In fact, I am going to finish the whole thing off all by myself.

    Thanks to the chef who concocted this masterpiece.

  • Tima September 18, 2012, 1:16 pm

    Honey, you are a lady of many talents, one of which is apparently Baking!! who knew…. Leave Banking and start Baking, you make a lot more people happy !!

  • lisa is cooking September 23, 2012, 10:40 pm

    It’s beautiful and must have been delicious! So interesting to learn that the loaf should be a spiral for Rosh Hashanah.

  • neda November 26, 2014, 5:45 am

    hi ahu .i love baking and I bake my daughter birthday cake and it was good.
    I enjoid your blog.sorry about my bad english .

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