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Sometimes the best things are what you make for yourself on a whim. I love cooking – especially when the ingredients themselves are the inspiration, which is exactly what happened today on the way home from work. I stopped at the market and saw the meat guy cutting pancetta. I’ve always wanted to try cooking it, so I took the plunge and bought some (a little goes a long way!). 3 other ingredients later (green beans, cremini mushrooms and garlic) I was out the door and ready to cook.

I always gravitate towards food that showcases the ingredients – simpler preparation and fantastic ingredients. All I did was saute the garlic and pancetta (diced), add mushrooms for a few minutes, then add in the beans. The whole thing was done in 15 minutes start to finish (and as my mom can attest, I’m the slowest food-preparer ever – bread and cheese takes me half an hour!). Salty, crunchy, garlic-y goodness.


Pancetta: Salty Goodness

OK, off to have seconds.

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • JY December 3, 2011, 10:00 pm

    looks tasty!

  • Anonymous December 5, 2011, 9:52 pm

    I want some of that!

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